Website Privacy Policy



United Kingdom.

Latest Revision June 1, 2023

Your personal and sensitive information will be collected by Kloud Global only if it is necessary for the performance of our tasks or functions. We are sensitive to the privacy concerns of our Users, and we want to let you know that we will handle your personal information with the appropriate level of care. Accordingly, we have developed a Policy for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. We encourage you to read this Policy and become familiar with it. We may incorporate changes to our Privacy Policy from time to time; therefore, you may wish to check this site periodically to make sure that you have the current version. If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us - [email protected].

UK Data Protection Act 2018

Our Privacy Policy (the Policy) is an expression of our commitment to adhere not only to the legislative requirements of the Privacy Act (Data Protection Act 2018. For the latest versions of these Acts visit the UK Legislation website www.legislation.gov.uk ) concerning the handling of personal information but the spirit of the Act as well. Our objective is to balance the need to collect, retain, use, disclose and dispose of personal information about individuals with the right to privacy of people, and to ensure that all persons are aware of the circumstances under which their personal information will be collected, retained, used, disclosed, and disposed of by the Company. By visiting and/or using the Service on our Website, you agree and consent to the collection, use, and transfer of your information as set out in this policy.

How We Protect Your Privacy

This website privacy policy tells you how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By visiting our website (www.kloud-global.com), you accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this website privacy policy. In particular, you consent to our collection and use of your personal information as described in this website privacy policy.


We do not provide services or sell products to children. If you are below the age of 18, you are legally not able to access our website.

This Policy Is Part of Our Terms and Conditions of Use

Our website privacy policy is a part of, and is subject to, our website's terms and conditions of use. You may view these terms and conditions here.

The Type Of Information You and Interest-Based Advertising.

Like most places on the Internet, simply by visiting our website you automatically tell us certain information. This includes basic information such as your IP address when you visited, the website from where you came prior to visiting us, the website where you go when you leave our website, your computer's operating system, and the type of web browser that you are using. Our website automatically records this basic information about you.

And like many other websites, we may use cookies, click redirects, pixel tags, container tags, and similar technologies. In plain English, this means information that our website's server transfers to your computer. This information can be used to track your session on our website and to customise our website content for you as an individual.

If you are using one of the common Internet Web browsers, you can set up your browser to either (a) let you know when you are being tracked by us or to (b) deny us tracking access to your computer or electronic mobile device. The manufacturer of the browser you use has instructions on how to modify tracking settings. You may find these instructions in the “Help” section of your browser or by contacting the browser’s manufacturer.

We may also collect any data that you provide us by posting it on our website or by sending it to us via email. You can always choose not to provide us with information. However, if you do withhold information, we may deny you access to some or all of our website's services and features.

Some transactions between you and our website may involve payment by credit card, debit card, checks, money orders, and/or third-party online payment services. In such transactions, we will collect information related to the transaction as part of the course of doing business with you, including your billing address, telephone number, and other information related to the transaction.

Credit and Payment Card Information

Kloud Global uses third-party payment processors such as PayPal and Stripe to process payments for products and services via the Website. We adhere to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards when processing your card information.

  • your billing information is encrypted before being communicated to them.

  • your credit card details are communicated directly from your browser to these payment processors –

  • Kloud Global does not see your full Permanent Account Number (PAN).

  • For PayPal, we only store the tokens required to identify the transaction with PayPal, issue refunds and identify transactions made using PayPal.

What We Do with Your Information

We use your information to operate our website's business activities. For example, we may use this data to contact you about changes to our website, new products and services, special offers, resolve disputes, troubleshoot issues, and enforce our website's terms and conditions.

If you download or use Mobile Apps from our website, the information we learn about you may be used by us to give you personalised content based on your location and other data you share. If you do not want to share your location via Mobile Apps, check the instruction manual for your electronic device or contact your device’s manufacturer to see if you can turn off the locator feature.

As a general rule, we will not give your data to third parties without your permission. However, there are some important exceptions to this rule that are described in the following paragraphs.

We may, in our sole discretion, provide information about you to law enforcement or other government officials for purposes of fraud investigations, alleged intellectual property infringement, or any other suspected illegal activity or matters that may expose us to legal liability.

Some government intelligence agencies have the technological ability to access data from our website without our cooperation, knowledge, or consent. Even if we were to learn of such access, we may not be able to tell you because of national security laws. Please take this risk into account before supplying information to us or any other website owner.

Although we do not disclose individually identifiable information, we may disclose aggregate data about our website's visitors to advertisers or other third parties for marketing and promotional purposes.

From time to time, we may use third-party suppliers to provide services on our website. If a supplier wants to collect information about you, you will be notified. However, you will never be required to give information to a third-party supplier. We restrict the way third-party suppliers can use your information. They are not allowed to sell or give your information to others.

If we sell our website, we may transfer your information to the purchaser of the site. Upon completion of such a transfer, we will no longer possess or control the data received by the purchaser.

Do-Not-Track, Interest-Based Advertising, Remarketing, and Dynamic Ad Serving


We try to honour any Do-Not-Track signals you send through your web browser when visiting our website. However, please read the following important information about “Interest-Based Advertising,” “Remarketing,” and “Dynamic Ad Serving” so that you understand the type of tracking that may be done by third-party vendors when you visit our site and how you can opt out of such tracking.

Interest-Based Advertising

When you visit our website, you may view advertisements posted on the site by Google or other companies. These advertising companies may collect information about you while you are visiting this website and other websites. They may use this data to show you advertisements on this website and elsewhere on the Internet about products and services you might like.

This website does not collect information or control the content of the advertisements that you will see. You may be able to opt out of such advertising. To find out more about Google privacy policies and its DoubleClick DART cookie used to generate interest-based advertising, go to http://www.google.com/privacy/ads/.

Protect My Choices

If you are using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome browsers, you may wish to install the “Protect My Choices” browser extensions that are designed to help you protect you opt-out preferences. To learn more, go to http://www.aboutads.info/PMC.


This website may use a remarketing tag to advertise online. This means that Google and other third-party vendors may show our ads to you on sites across the Internet. These third-party vendors, including Google, may use cookies to serve ads to you based upon your past visits to our website.

If you would like to opt out of Google’s use of cookies, you can visit the company’s Ad Preferences Manager at https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/.

In the alternative, you can opt out of the use of cookies by third-party vendors by going to the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page located at http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ .

Dynamic Ad Serving

Our website may use Google’s Dynamic Ad Serving feature. To opt out of interest-based ads by Google, follow Google’s opt-out instructions located at https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=en .

DoubleClick Remarketing Pixels

Our website may use DoubleClick’s remarketing pixels. If you would like to opt out of DoubleClick’s use of cookies, you can visit the DoubleClick opt-out page at https://www.google.com/settings/ads/onweb#display_optout.

Your use of this website without opting out means that you understand and agree to data collection to provide you with interest-based advertising.

User Names and Passwords

Your access to parts of our website may be protected by a username and a password. Do not give your password to anyone. If you enter a section of our website that requires a password, you should log out when you leave. As a safety precaution, you should also close out of your web browser completely and re-open it before viewing other parts of the Internet.

Your Use of Information and Unsolicited Commercial Email

If you obtain personally identifiable information about another website user, you are not allowed to disclose this information to anyone else without the consent of the user and our consent too.

We hate junk email (spam). Information you obtain from our website about us or other site users cannot be used by you or others to send unsolicited commercial emails or to send unsolicited commercial communications via our website's posting or other communication systems.

Your Voluntary Disclosure of Information to Third Parties Who Are Not Our Suppliers

You may choose to provide personal information to website visitors or other third parties who are not our suppliers. Please use caution when doing so. The privacy policies and customs of these third parties determine what is done with your information.


We may use autoresponders to communicate with you by email. To protect your privacy, we use a verified opt-in system for such communications and you can always opt-out of such communications using the links contained in each autoresponder message. If you have difficulties opting out, you may contact us by sending an email to [email protected].

Information Security

We try to keep your information secure. If we become aware of a data vulnerability, where economically feasible, we will attempt to promptly fix it in order to keep your data safe. However, with governments spying online using sophisticated technology and hackers’ data mining sites, no website owner can guarantee your information will be completely safe from unauthorised access by others. Please take these security risks into account before giving information to us or any other website owner.

Data Retention

We will keep your data for as long as we need it to provide you with products and services, comply with applicable law, resolve any disputes between us or with third parties, and enforce any contracts between us.

Policy Changes

The terms of this policy may change from time to time. If such changes are made, we will notify you by a notice posted on our website's home page of the changes that have been made. If you disagree with the changes that have been made, please contact us (by email, using a website contact form, or in writing by mail), and any changes made to this policy will not apply to information we have collected from you prior to making the changes.

If you are concerned about the topic covered by this website privacy policy, you should read it each time before you use our website.

Questions or Concerns

Any questions or concerns about this website's privacy policy should be brought to our attention by sending an email to [email protected] and providing us with information relating to your concern.

This website privacy policy was last updated on June 1, 2018

Cookies Policy

A "cookie" is a bit of information that a website sends to your web browser that helps the site remember information about you and your preferences. Cookies are powerful tools that give the web a memory, making for a better user experience.

When you visit a website, not only are you offered information or services, but your computer may also be offered a “cookie.” A cookie is a small file that is passed from a website to an end user’s (your) computer, often without your knowledge or consent. The cookie is used to save information about the interaction between you and the site, such as login credentials, preferences, and any work in progress. The cookie file is automatically stored by your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Firefox) on the local hard drive, and it can later be retrieved by the website.

Cookies were invented so that information could be saved between visits to a website. This lets you avoid logging in for every visit, and cookies are also used to keep track of preferences and works in progress (such as items in an online shopping cart). Today, just about all of the top websites use cookies for one purpose or another. Cookies are a very useful feature of the web and, without them, web sessions would have no history; you would have to enter your information over and over.

To protect your privacy on the web, you need to learn about the cookie controls provided in your browser.  You should also investigate some specialized tools that can control all cookie types. Unfortunately, however, even if you do make the effort to control cookies, there is little that you can currently do to protect against cookie-less tracking methods.

How We or Third-Party Sites May Use Cookies

This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small data file that is placed on your hard drive when you visit certain web pages. It is used to identify yourself to a website when you revisit it, to load your preferences and to track the pages you have visited. The only personal information held in such a cookie is information you have provided to us. You have the choice of whether or not to accept cookies by means of your browser settings, although you may not be able to use certain features and functionalities of the SPB website if you do disable them.

As you navigate through a website, certain information can be passively collected (that is, gathered without your actively providing the information) using various technologies and means, such as Internet Protocol addresses, cookies, Internet tags, and navigational data collection.

This Website may use Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. An IP Address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so you can access the Internet and is generally considered to be non-personally identifiable information, because in most cases an IP address is dynamic (changing each time you connect to the Internet), rather than static (unique to a particular user's computer).  We use your IP address to diagnose problems with our server, report aggregate information, determine the fastest route for your computer to use in connecting to our Website, and administer and improve services to our consumers.

Session Cookies" are temporary bits of information that are erased once you exit your web browser window or otherwise turn your computer off.  Session cookies are used to improve navigation on websites and to collect aggregate statistical information. This Website uses session cookies.

Persistent Cookies" are more permanent bits of information that are placed on the hard drive of your computer and stay there unless you delete the cookie.  Persistent cookies store information on your computer for a number of purposes, such as retrieving certain information you have previously provided (e.g., username), helping to determine what areas of the website visitors find most valuable, and customizing the website based on your preferences.  This Website uses persistent cookies.

“Internet Tags" (also known as single-pixel GIFs, clear GIFs, invisible GIFs, and 1-by-1 GIFs) are smaller than cookies and tell the website server information such as the IP address and browser type related to the visitor's computer.  This Website uses Internet tags.

“Navigational data" ("log files," "server logs," and "clickstream" data) and "Internet Tags" are used for system management, to improve the content of the site, market research purposes, and to communicate information to visitors.  This Website uses navigational data.

“Flash Cookies” Flash cookies (also called Local Shared Objects or LSOs) are created by Adobe’s popular Flash browser add-on for multimedia. Like traditional cookies, Flash cookies can be used to save state information, as well as preferences, between sessions.  They are also used to track the websites that you visit. These cookies are normally not visible to you, the end user, and options to control or delete them are usually absent or very difficult to find. Flash cookies are frequently found on websites, and they are often used along with traditional web cookies. In fact, even if you delete web cookies, Flash cookies can be used to recreate them.

“Super Cookies” A third type of cookie, called “super cookies,” is also emerging. Super cookies use new storage locations built into browsers to save information about you.  For example, the Internet Explorer browser has “user Data” storage, while Firefox has “DOM” storage”. The emerging HTML 5 specifications also set aside web storage that can last either for a browser session or permanently (until deleted). These storage mechanisms are larger and more flexible than traditional cookies so more information can be stored.

Some browsers have recently implemented a “private browsing mode,” designed to protect privacy. In Firefox, for example, web cookies are deleted when a private browsing session is ended. Unfortunately, super cookies and Flash cookies are not always affected by these settings, so they are still stored during private browsing sessions. In order to clear all the different forms of cookies and web storage, you generally have to install and use special add-on applications. Some popular tools for Firefox, for example, are the Better Privacy, No Script, and Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) plug-ins.

Aggregate Information

  1. DoubleClick DART Cookie
    Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on SPB. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to our website www.happybumco.com and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL -http://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html

  2. Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include Google AdSense. Protocol ("IP") address, an identifier that is unique to the mobile device on which you install the App as well as particular software and hardware information about your device;

Push Notifications

We send you push notifications from time-to-time in order to update you about any events or promotions that we may be running.  If you no longer wish to receive these types of communications, you may turn them off at the device level.  To ensure you receive proper notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and user identification information.

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